August Review of Match.ugh

September 1, 2011 dduvall2

Well… this month posed yet another feat of date after date. Although I can say that I realize that I am the one putting myself through this craziness, so I can land a boyfriend. I must say that this is exhausting. Let’s recap this month’s dates…

  • Mr. Happy Hour
  • Mr. Chevy Chase
  • Mr. Warren
  • Mr.Lawyer
  • Mr.Reston
  • Mr. Homeland Security

Let me start by saying that this month showed a lot of promise… especially when I met Mr. Happy Hour! He was not a contestant on He was actually a boy that I met at HH when I was out with a group of friends. We seemed to have hit it off right away. He was my type – super skinny, dorky and a small-town boy. After great conversation, he took my number and to my surprise – called me a few days later πŸ™‚ We went to dinner at a restaurant in Arlington (without holding any hopes). The dinner went surprisingly smooth with lots of great conversation and laughs. Afterwards, we went across the street to grab a drink with some of his friends that were there celebrating a birthday. After one drink (yes just one!) he walked me back to the metro and told me he would like to see me again. Awwwww shucks! He asked me to HH with his friends a few days later. Even though I was hoping for a romantic dinner for two – especially since he was going to be traveling most of the month of August, but settled for HH since it meant I was able to hang out with him. After an accidental ‘height’ comment, the rest of HH went fine. Not to mention, I had to be around seven of his closest friends for the firs time (as they were sitting around staring and judging me)… not so easy! But… I put my big girl panties on and dealt with it! We kept in touch via text for the next week. I even put my Match status on ‘inactive’ because I really liked this guy. Ummmm – teenage girl LIKE! So… what happened next… NOTHING! Because he happened to fall off the face of the earth! Literally, I have not hear from him since. FML. Once again, leaving me to my point that boys suck! Mr. HH is now renamed Mr. Shithead.

After a few days in recovery… I got back on Match and went on a date with Mr. Chevy Chase. This guy was a TOOL from the start! We made arrangements to meet for drinks near Dupont Circle (DC) since it is close to the red line metro for him (not the orange line that I take). He texted me that morning to confirm the date and also left me with the text, “Don’t be late”. Wow. For that reason alone… I got there 20 minutes late. Hell will be the day when a man tell me what to do ESPECIALLY when I have never even met him! He was at the end of the bar when I approached him. He just looked like a douche. He bought a round of beer and we engaged in small talk (sports, weather…). He then tells me that I look, ‘established’. When asking him what he meant, he said, “It looks like you have money… you dress nice , you must have a great career”. Wow. My response was… “if you are asking if I have a job… well yes I do.” He then ordered another round of beer and made sure he told the bartender, “these are on her”. Yep. I drank my beer in record time and I got up to leave. As I was saying goodbye, he says,… “Well… you are a pretty girl. You have nice teeth. I will give you a call sometime.” FML.

Mr. Warren recap can be found in the “be careful what you wish for” blog.

This final week in August calls for a Match trifecta (Mr. Lawyer, Mr. Reston, Mr. Homeland Security). Why not?!?! It couldn’t get any worse! What was the worst that could happen? Lose self esteem…done. Depression…check! Decrease in dignity… it can’t get any lower! LOL πŸ™‚

Stay tuned…

Entry Filed under: Uncategorized

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. BOWnessa&hellip  | 

    No wonder you are exhausted buddy! Sounds like Mr. Chevy Chase has no clue how to talk to a woman or at least pretend that he has manners on a first date! What a douche…

  • 2. Valerie&hellip  | 

    Hi DD! It’s Valerie (the one who ended up with your friend Mr. Motorcycle)! He forwarded me your link because I’m a blog junkie, and, well, I’ve had my share of terrible dating experiences. (Read about them on my own blog if you wish. But anyway, it’s all over now, and while you might understandably question my preference for your longtime platonic friend, I’m actually, finally, happy! I just wanted to send you a few words of encouragement! Eventually the bad dates will end and you will meet a good man! It happened to me, even though I had given up (almost) all hope!

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September 2011